Emergency AssistanceTeleco provides around the clock assistance with Down Systems.
Call 843-571-0000 Our 24 Hour Dispatch Service can have a technician on-site within about two hours. |
Adds, Moves, and ChangesPeople and systems change constantly. Move a telephone or computer, pull a new voice cable, set up a new employee voice mail box...
Teleco offers AMC service on demand for minor changes to any system we support and even some that we don't. |
RelocationIf you are relocating you offices, Teleco will move all of your communications equipment, including your carrier services for telephone and Internet, we will cable your new office, and refresh your systems in the process.
Maintenance AgreementsTeleco Commsafe Maintenance Agreements are designed to cover all your equipment - including cabling.
Service CallsService is the backbone of our business. On-site service calls, remote diagnostics, telephone support and routine maintenance are available to help you.
M-F 8am to 5pm |
Managed IT ServiceTeleco Remote Monitoring and Maintenance service agreements for IT Networks, Servers, Computers and Software provide the protection you need to maintain healthy systems and costs far less that having your own IT Department.